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Showing posts from 2012

Healthcare Reform

We are now in full swing for moving healthcare reform forward.  Regardless of how you "feel" about it, there will be changes to the healthcare system, allowing for health care for every one.  This is a very debatable and heated topic, so instead of sharing my personal beliefs, I'm just going to post a few facts about the Accountable Care Act.  Enjoy!!   - ACA  is ~2000 page document -the managed care plans have already started the ACO work; negotiations have already been decided between hospitals and mged care plans -ACO: local health care organization with a network of providers such as PCP, specialist, and hospitals that are accountable for the cost & quality of healthcare -Purpose of ACO is to deliver efficient and coordinated care; rewarded with a financial bonus for achieving performance benchmarks set by CMS (Centers for Medicare & MEdicaid Services) source: Managed Care Magazine, Oct 2010, 12-13 -goal is to deter overuse of services -...

IPC-Interprofessional Collaboration

I'm back!!!  Well there is lots of buzz occurring related to the future of healthcare reform, and what the presidential elections will "mean" for america and Obamacare.  So, instead of focusing on things we can't really control or decide, I wanted to remind the healthcare leaders reading this blog about the importance of working together-true partnering in the spirit of safe, quality patient care. The term interprofessional collaboration, IPC, is all about working together for safer patient care.  Academic institutions are including this philosophy into their curriculum at a fairly rapid pace, but clinicians seem to struggle with implementation.  A lot of the work related to IPC has been captured in the IOM reports on patient safety, but none have clearly outline evidence based practices of how exactly to make it happen, and more importantly how to sustain it.  There is work cited on blogs, and via internet about the great work being done with IPC at the Unive...

It's Been Awhile...

Hi Fans, it's been awhile since I posted any updates...sorry about that!  Well, I am now entering a new chapter in my career with the recent completion of my PhD at the University of San Diego!!  I'm so excited about becoming an academician at California State University at Fullerton, and hope you'll follow me on my journey.  Look for more posts to come...for now, the update on healthcare... -Obama has now instituted more support for well women care, which allows women to receive preventive care with minimal, or no cost to help detect diseases at an earlier phase (this is a big win for the females, and all of America) -Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are getting more "talk", as healthcare organizations are trying to figure out all the details (stay tuned to this blog for more info and the most current details) -and my favorite..."Transformational Leadership" continues to be a struggling concept for healthcare executives.  More organizational dev...

2012 "A New Year for Nurse Leaders"

We have entered into 2012 excited and passionate about new beginnings and opportunities as we sort through the IOM FON report.  The challenges are many, but our power as nurse leaders is great.  The California nurse leaders met in Palm Springs 2 weeks ago to talk through the Journey to advancing our great profession as nurse leaders.  I'm sure the AONE  and ACHE conferences next month will continue the conversations, and I look forward to being at the table for ACHE to network and take part in the rhetoric.  Let's commit to tackling the challenges and considering them as new opportunities to forge our way through healthcare reform and teaching our future nurses about the importance of evidence-based practice.  As researchers and nurse leaders, let's do the necessary work to expand and refine new knowledge that will change health care and improve patient outcomes and the quality of nursing care.