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It's Been Awhile...

Hi Fans, it's been awhile since I posted any updates...sorry about that!  Well, I am now entering a new chapter in my career with the recent completion of my PhD at the University of San Diego!!  I'm so excited about becoming an academician at California State University at Fullerton, and hope you'll follow me on my journey.  Look for more posts to come...for now, the update on healthcare...
-Obama has now instituted more support for well women care, which allows women to receive preventive care with minimal, or no cost to help detect diseases at an earlier phase (this is a big win for the females, and all of America)
-Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are getting more "talk", as healthcare organizations are trying to figure out all the details (stay tuned to this blog for more info and the most current details)
-and my favorite..."Transformational Leadership" continues to be a struggling concept for healthcare executives.  More organizational development departments are continuing to implement customer service initiatives, that include employees, to institute culture change.  The first step in culture change and transforming the healthcare environment is "weeding out the bad grains".

Until we blog again...
"Your Nurse Leader Today"


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