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Future of Nursing-Key Message#1: Nurses Should Practice to The Full Extent of Their Education & Training

The "Future of Nursing" (FON) report identified their 1st key message was to emphasize the importance of nurses using their skills, knowledge,and training to practice within their scope.  The biggest barrier to this occurring has been the individual state's regulations regarding scope of practice for nurses.  Every state has their own board of nursing, that's right, every state decides what the scope of nursing practice should be.  Having traveled quite a bit as a military wife, I can tell you that this creates a lot of confusion and often times, disappointment.  Obviously I strongly support this initiative, but it will require a lot of legislative and bureaucratic support to move this forward.  The article also points out that in 2002 the Joint Commission recommended an increase in the number of nurse residency programs to support nurses to develop skills and competencies in specialized areas to strengthen their clinical knowledge.  It is now 2011 and I think this recommendation still has a lot to be desired.  Residency programs can be expensive, and a financial risk for health care organizations.  Given the economic climate in hospitals created by the health care reform initiatives, I can't imagine that their will be an increase in residency programs.  I guess we will have to wait and see...  More to come.
All the best,
Nurse Leader Today


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