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Why should I choose nursing leadership?

Why Nursing Leadership?

COVID has placed so much strain and stress on nursing leaders, so why should I choose to be a nursing leader?

Well, the answer is multi-faceted, but it starts with your passion and purpose.
Nursing leadership is NOT what you do, it's WHO YOU ARE!! I've always shared with my mentors that leadership is not about a title, it's the responsibility that you choose to take.

We need more great leaders in nursing, and I hope we all commit to doing our part!

Leaders create a healthy work environment, and establish a culture of honor and respect through cultivating openness of mind and role-modeling these types of behaviors. Self-awareness and engaging others in self-discovery help to cultivate and create a climate of trust and honor.  Jean Watson (2009) recommended that health care providers develop an awareness of self as an essential component of transpersonal caring-healing, and to reflect on emergency, consciousness, and caring as the basis of nursing practice.

How do we support a healthy work environment and support our mental health too? Well, it's about resilience, and here's a message from Stanford Healthcare about the 'Year of the Nurse' that we all can take nuggets from:

Watson J. (2009). Caring science and human caring theory: transforming personal and professional practices of nursing and health care.   Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 31 (4), 466-482.

Until next time...

Nurse Leader Today


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