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Power of Nursing and Leadership

There is power in nursing, and we should work collaboratively to ensure quality patient care is delivered 24/7.  As a leader, we should empower our teams to act on what they know, and instill confidence in their own ability to be successful (Huber, 2018).

The power of leadership can transcend the healthcare environment to one of high quality, great patient satisfaction, and great enjoyment and satisfaction for staff. The leader must have values of trust, respect, and self-worth. These values will sustain and support the leader as they maneuver their various phases of their role as manager, leader, peer, advisor, counselor, disciplinarian, and even friend. As a new manager, it takes time to get to know staff. It’s a tough start because most nursing management positions need you to hit the ground running, yet, take the time to connect with staff is critical to your success. The value of getting to know staff, and connecting with them is the breeding ground for developing trust. The value of trust should not be underestimated. Trust allows the nursing team to feel comfortable in their work environment, confident in the care they deliver because they know that they can ask for help or guidance needed from their leader, and proud of their department.
Providing safe, quality care, and enjoying it along the way are very valuable for nurses. Most of us choose nursing because we enjoy the art of nursing-caring, listening, showing compassion, and empathizing. These traits are core for nurses, and also core concepts for nurse leaders.

Huber, D. (2018).  Leadership and nursing care management, (6th ed.).  Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, Co.

Until next time,
Your Nurse Leader


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