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Transforming Care-December 2013 Nursing Management Article

Happy New Year!!
As we enter into the new year of 2014, healthcare is more uncertain than ever.  The one thing we know is that change is coming!  In the spirit of change and improving healthcare, take a look at the December 2013 Nursing Management article that I've published with my colleague, Dr. Ann Mayo.  I've included excerpts below and you can go to to download the full article and references.

For more than a decade, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has released reports that call for hospitals to explore possible solutions to complex healthcare problems. The Future of Nursing Report outlines 8 recommendations to lead change, advance health, and transform the healthcare environment.  The IOM recommended that hospitals utilize best practices and processes that promote patient-centered, quality nursing care.

Sustainable transformation begins with the leadership team understanding the processes that create a culture of nursing excellence, including creating an environment supporting nursing research.  The increasing complexities and acuities faced by nurses require the implementation of the best evidence, many times necessitating the conduct to address gaps in evidence.
Nursing Research

Research plays a critical role in the process of transformation.  Although many elements contribute to the transformation of nursing care, research is directly linked to improving patient outcomes. Nursing research supports the development of knowledge to improve clinical practice and patient care.  Senior nurse leaders are in key positions to create an environments supporting a successful nursing research program.  Alignment between the senior nurse leader's vision about the future of nursing with a nursing researcher’s vision of a nursing research program helps an organization realize both important transformative goals and objectives.  A concerted effort by senior nurse leaders and nursing researchers in developing a research program and engaging other organizational nurse leaders and nursing staff promotes a culture of inquiry leading to evidence-based nursing practices. These efforts support transformation of the clinical environment and promote quality patient care.

...until next time...

Your Nurse Leader Today!!


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