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Nurse Leader Publication

Hello Fans!!  I'm in the final stages of preparing my article titled, "Impact of Caring on Transforming Culture", which is expected to be published in Dec 2011 or Jan 2012.  Here's a highlight:

A Caring Work Environment--The nurse leader’s ability to develop and demonstrate caring will support building a collaborative, quality clinical environment.  Leaders in the organization are responsible for creating a caring environment supporting respectful, patient-focused interdisciplinary teams and to develop a culture of quality care and clinical excellence.  Nursing care is increasingly complex, and requires all team members to be aligned and prioritize patient safety and quality patient care.  The objective is to integrate the concepts of caring, and foster team behaviors that positively influence nursing practice and foster collaborative relationships among the healthcare team.  The development of collaborative relationships will lead to decreased adverse events for patients and the creation of a culture of safety and caring.
...looking forward to hearing your comments after your read the article in it's entirety.  Thanks for reading!!


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