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ACNL Annual Conference

Just returned home from the ACNL annual conference.  Wow-what an exciting and amazing time to be a nurse leader in California!  The conference was both re-energizing and educational.  As a new adjunct faculty member, there are more pearls of wisdom that I garnered at the conference that I will be sharing with my nursing students next week.  First, I must remind my students to "Be an experience!" for their patients.  Nurses touch so many lives and it's important to remember that you should engage in remember-able, positive experiences with patients, families, and your peers.  You must understand-not just know the information.  So much of what is necessary to know in nursing school is not often understood.  Will you accept the challenge to help your new nurses understand?

More to come on the ACNL Conference...

All the best,
Nurse Leader Today


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