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"The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health"

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine has released their report after completing a 2-year initiative.  The goal of this committee was to release a report that includes recommendations for an action-oriented blueprint on the future of nursing.   Check out a summary of this document and how to order a prepublication copy at  

The summary offers a glimpse of 4 recommendations that collectively will serve as a framework to transform and empower the nursing profession:1)ensure that nurse can practice to the full extent of their education, 2)improve nursing education, 3)provide leadership opportunities for nursing to serve as full partners in health care transformation, and 4) improve data collection for policy development and labor planning.

Let's discuss just 1 of the many recommendations in the report-to increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by 2020; this is a tremendous goal.  Many organizations are sitting at a 30-40% rate of baccalaureate prepared nurses.  Will this happen??-weigh in on it and we'll see what happens in 9 years!  Read over the recommendation and tell us if you will get your organization to the 80% rate and where you are now.

All the best,
Nurse Leader


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